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Accelerate your neuroscientific discoveries with Axon Patch-Clamp Intruments

Our comprehensive solutions for patch-clamping facilitate the entire range of patch-clamp technique experiments from the smallest single-channel to the largest macroscopic recordings. The addition of Axon pCLAMP™ 11 Software Suite creates a streamlined workflow, allowing for sophisticated and efficient experiments, and higher quality data generation so you can make a scientific breakthrough even faster.

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Maximize signal-to-noise ratio

The Axopatch™ 200B Amplifier offers one of the lowest-noise, single-channel recordings available via an innovative actively cooled headstage with capacitor-feedback technology.


Eliminate line-frequency noise

The HumSilencer™ feature removes 50/60 hz line-frequency noise within one second with a single mouse click.


Streamline workflows

pCLAMP Software offers a selection of modules and tools that simplifies setup and enables automation of parameters.

Patch-clamp software trusted by researchers worldwide: 41,600+ citations for pCLAMP

Get started with Axon today

Get in touch with our specialists now to find out how we can help you with your research.

Remember to sign up for our mailing list to stay up to date with the latest electrophysiology news, applications, and updates. 



Inquire about the instruments

University of São Paulo uses Axon for patch-clamp recordings in brain slices

Meet Professor Ricardo Leão, who presents his poster on how neurons in the rodent's nucleus of the solitary tract respond to changes in cytoplasmic ATP levels, shedding light on their remarkable membrane potential alterations.

pCLAMP 11 acquisition and analysis software

Fast and effective data analysis turns data into actionable insights and publication-ready results.

  • With Clampex 11, longer and more sophisticated
    protocols can be programmed.
  • With ClampFit 11, more precise measurement and faster data analysis are now possible.

These researchers used Axon patch-clamp systems to achieve neuroscientific breakthroughs


University of Michigan uses Axon patch-clamp systems to investigate NMDAR receptor blockers.


Allegheny College uses Axon patch-clamp systems to investigate how amyloid beta peptide block ion channels in Alzheimer’s disease.


University of Texas uses Axon patch-clamp systems to evaluate signaling mechanisms in the brain underlying memory and recall.


Our solutions can be used across almost the entire range of electrophysiology techniques, from single channel to whole cell to extracellular field-potential recording.

Extracellular recording


• Single-unit recording
• Multi-unit recording
• Field-potential recordings
• Amperometry/voltammetry

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Intracellular recording


• Cell-attached/excised patch-clamp
• Whole-cell voltage-clamp
• Whole-cell current-clamp
• Sharp-electrode
