With friendly and versatile patch-clamp analysis


Discover the power of Axon™ pCLAMP™ Software Suite: the most widely used and the most cited electrophysiology program (over 41,600 citations) for voltage-clamp, current-clamp, and patch-clamp experiments. It includes Clampex 11 for data acquisition, AxoScope 11 for background recording, Clampfit 11 for data analysis, and the new optional Advanced Analysis Module for more sophisticated and streamlined analysis.

Check out all the features below to learn how you can perform sophisticated and efficient experiments and gain actionable insights from your data.


Advanced Analysis Module

Perform Action Potential Analysis, Batch Analysis, and Population Spike Analysis with ease.


Automated Event Detection

This feature provides automated detection and measurement of the action potential, population spikes, and paired pulses based on user-defined parameters.


Enhanced gap-free mode

A simple continuous "chart-recorder" is useful for monitoring single-channel events, minis, and other spontaneous activities.

Get in touch with our specialists now to find out how pCLAMP software can help you with your research. Remember to sign up for our mailing list to stay updated with the latest electrophysiology news, applications, and updates. 



Inquire about the pCLAMP


Dr. Balaji Krishnan

University of Texas uses pCLAMP for the research on memory

"The beauty of using protocols in Clampex (a module in pCLAMP Software) is that you can program your system to control both stimulation and recording, making the whole system powerful and unique. More importantly, is the versatility as you can input many different stimulating strategies, all under the control of Clampex."

Tech Tips for pCLAMP 11 from the industry leaders

Jeffrey Tang: Batch Analysis feature on pCLAMP 11

The Batch Analysis feature allows a single macro to be created for the analysis of multiple datasets. Not only does this get you your results faster, but it also means that you can be sure the exact same analysis is being run on all of your datasets – increasing confidence in your results.

Jin Yan: Action Potential Analysis feature on pClamp 11

The Action Potential Analysis feature allows multiple parameters of an action potential to be easily and rapidly extracted and analyzed, which traditionally can be difficult and time-consuming.

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